My name is Anne-Lill, owner of the kennel, and I love animals and nature. Already as a child I took interest in dogs. In my family we always had a number of different huntingdogs and I often followed my father when hunting. Already at that time I learned a lot about dogs and their behaviour and that they really are mans best friends and faithful companions. The first dog of my own was named Sicko, a crossbreed Collie-Dachshund. He was my dear companion for 11 years. After him there were Norwegian Forest-cats, Japanese hens and so on. In the year 1992 I had the pleasure making a new acquaintance, a black pomeranian. This little thing was the most wonderful I had ever seen. He was bright, alert and he charmed me totally with his elegant movement and his bushy fur. His ears were extremely small and placed close together on his head. In 1997 I bought my first pomeranian, a red puppy. After that the family was further more enlarged and now we have four bitches.The dogs are of course members of the family, taking a lot of my time. Every day we make two long walks in the forest, which I as well as my dogs value.